It is generated from our voucher system so the email address it comes from is: It will be sent to the email address on your customer account. Look out for it in your inbox, and please check your junk mail.
You can use it to move your holiday online to a later date or location without having to call us.
When you go to complete your booking look out for the 'Redeem e-voucher or gift card' button, please click on it and it will reveal a box to enter your voucher code, the value of your voucher will be deducted from the cost of your new holiday.
If you do need to use your e-voucher over the phone then our holiday advisors will be happy to help. Please note that we will never ask you for voucher details on social media or over email.
The e-voucher is valid for bookings made on or before 23.59pm on 31st March 2021.
After this date, the voucher will expire and you will no longer be able to use it to make any bookings. It can be used on holidays departing before 31st December 2021.
The e-voucher is valid for bookings made on or before 23.59pm on 30th September 2021. After this date, the voucher will expire and you will no longer be able to use it to make any bookings. It can be used on holidays departing before 31st December 2022.
The e-voucher amount will match the amount you paid previously including any original booking fee.
You will be sent one e-voucher per booking.
If you have received more than one e-voucher because you had multiple bookings, you can use multiple voucher codes against one future booking.
The e-voucher is non-transferable and cannot be exchanged for cash.
The unique voucher code is valid for holiday accommodation bookings made through
The e-voucher cannot be used through travel agents or any third party distribution partner.
Our booking conditions apply to all bookings made using the voucher code. Please see our website.
The voucher code can be used for more than one booking up to the total amount associated with your code. Any remaining excess on a voucher code can be used before the voucher code expiry date.
The e-voucher can be used to pay off the balance of a second future booking should you have one.
Voucher codes cannot be traded or sold. If we suspect misuse of any kind, we can void the code.
If a full/partial refund is due under the booking conditions for any reason, any part of the booking that was paid for using a voucher code will remain for future use on that voucher code.